React Redux Todo app running on a Haskell server
I put together a single-page web app (SPA) todo example for use in my personal projects. Its most noteworthy feature is end-to-end authentication implemented using redux-auth-wrapper and JWT. The project implements a simple todo application with user account support. Data is persisted on a server implemented in Haskell. It’s not super complex but it took quite a bit of reading to put all the pieces together, so I figured I might as well publish it for others to learn from.
You can find the application source code on github.
The project uses the following tools, libraries and techniques:
- React, Redux and React-redux
- Webpack and Babel (for JSX, ES6+ and CSS modules)
- Redux-thunk for async fetching in Redux actions
- React-router and React-router-redux for routing
- Redux-auth-wrapper for implementing robust authenticated routing and login screens
- JWT-based authentication that works well with Redux and routing
- Haskell for the backend using the Snap web framework to serve the REST API
- Roll-my-own JWT authentication code for the Haskell backend
The development setup does not implement hot module reloading (HMR) or server-side rendering (SSR). I imagine it’s possible to extend this setup for HMR. I don’t know if SSR is feasible without a Node.js based server.
I won’t explain each and every one of the above libraries in details. They all have fairly good documentation and a whole bunch of tutorials on the net. Instead, I will just highlight some of the most relevant parts.
Client routes are setup in client/containers/Root.js:
const Root = () => (
<Provider store={store}>
<Router history={history}>
<Route path='/' component={Main} />
<Route path='/todos' component={UserIsAuthenticated(TodoList)} />
<Route path='/login' component={Login} />
<Route path='/profile' component={UserIsAuthenticated(Profile)} />
<Route path='/signup' component={SignUp} />
This sets up various routes like the home screen, todo list and login and logout routes. Notice the UserIsAuthenticated
higher-order component that applies authentication constraints on the TodoList
and Profile
components. Those routes won’t be accessible unless the user is logged in.
See redux-auth-wrapper for more information on setting up authentication and redux.
Authenticated fetch
Client-side JWT handling is implemented in client/auth.js. It implements Redux actions and reducers related to user authentication. It exports a function called fetchWithAuth
which is used instead of fetch
whenever accessing API endpoints that require authentication.
Here’s an example of how fetchWithAuth
is used in client/actions.js to save a todo item:
export function saveTodo (todo) {
return function (dispatch, getState) {
return fetchWithAuth(getState, '/api/todo', { method: 'POST', body: todo })
.then(json => dispatch(receiveTodo(json)))
The fetchWithAuth
function is basically just a wrapper around fetch
that inserts the JWT user token into the Authorization header when issuing a fetch call.
It currently does not handle expired tokens, though. It should be easy to extend it such that it will detect an expired token error, and issue an action that triggers a client-side redirect to the login screen.
API server
The backend is written in Haskell. It uses the Snap framework to get a basic web server running. It’s main functionality is to persist users and todo items and serve them via a JSON API. Apart from the one static index.html used to bootstrap React, the server does not render any HTML.
The relevant source files are:
- src/Site.hs – Routes and API implementation
- src/Db.hs – sqlite-simple code for persisting todo items into a SQLite3 database
- src/Snaplet/SqliteJwt.hs – A Snap middleware that implements user accounts, password hashing and salting using BCrypt, and JWT for sessionless authentication.
The request handler for todo items looks like so:
handleRestTodos :: H ()
= (method GET listTodos) <|> (method POST saveTodo)
handleRestTodos where
listTodos :: H ()
= replyJson query
listTodos where
J.User uid _) = withTop db $ Db.listTodos (Db.UserId uid)
query (
= do
saveTodo <- reqJSON
replyJson (query ps)where
J.User uid _) =
query ps (-- If the input todo id is Nothing, create a new todo. Otherwise update
-- an existing one.
case ptId ps of
Nothing -> do
$ Db.newTodo (Db.UserId uid) (ptText ps)
withTop db Just tid -> do
let newTodo = Db.Todo tid (ptSavedOn ps) (ptCompleted ps) (ptText ps)
$ Db.saveTodo (Db.UserId uid) newTodo
withTop db
replyJson :: ToJSON a => (J.User -> Handler App J.SqliteJwt a) -> H ()
= do
replyJson action <- with jwt $ J.requireAuth action
res writeJSON res
Query parameters for the saveTodo
POST requests are passed in as JSON and parsed with the aeson JSON parser. Static type checking enforces that invalid request parameters don’t get past the JSON parser.
Server-side authentication is implemented in the SqliteJwt module. It exports the requireAuth
function which is used above to wrap request handlers. A wrapped handler will either be passed down the currently authenticated user or the request is terminated if JWT authentication failed.
Future work
The Haskell SqliteJwt module is work-in-progress and certainly not ready for production. For example, it doesn’t currently support token expiration or revoking existing tokens. It also hardcodes the site secret used to sign JWTs. I am planning to develop this module further to support these features and maybe publish it on Hackage.
It’d also be interesting to plug in an external authentication mechanism like Google OAuth 2.0. I haven’t found good examples on how to do this robustly. There is discussion about this in redux-auth-wrapper github issue #46 but I haven’t tried toying around with those ideas yet. It will probably be quite a bit trickier than local authentication.
Thanks for reading!